Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

Hurra ich bin noch da ! / Hurray I am still here

Hallo meine Lieben,
ich kann selber kaum glauben, dass ich mich nun mehr als 2 Monate nicht mehr bei euch gemeldet habe.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, das der Tag nicht annähernd genug Stunden hat und es mir immer schwerer fiel, allen gerecht zu werden.
Da man das sowieso nicht kann, habe ich mich entschlossen etwas kürzer zu treten und mich auf meine OP vorbereitet. Mein verflixter linker Fuß war diesmal an der Reihe. Die OP ist gut verlaufen und in ein paar Wochen werde ich wieder gehen können. Bis dahin habe ich Zeit zu lesen zu malen und eure Blogs, dank meinem neuen Notebook, besuchen zu können.
Ich hoffe das ich im Januar wieder fest auf meinen Füßen stehe und mein kleines Formtief dann der Vergangenheit angehört. Bis dahin, möchte ich euch gern
ein paar Sachen zeigen, die ich gesehen oder gemacht habe.
Vor allem aber möchte ich mich für die lieben Kommentare bedanken, die ihr mir in meiner Abwesenheit geschrieben habt, ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut.

Im September habe ich mit meinem Albert eine Reise nach Norddeutschland gemacht, nach Schleswig- Holstein , um genau zu sein. Wir haben uns in himmlischen Ruhe des Plöner Sees ausgeruht, aber auch viel gesehen, wie Lübeck, Travemünde, die Insel Fehmarn und die alte Wikingersiedlung Haitabu. Hier ein paar Bilder für euch.
Ich hoffe sie gefallen euch.
Alles Liebe
Hello my friends
it´s hard to believe that it has been more than 2 months since I posted somthing.
I have had the feeling that the day has not enough hours for me, and I found it hard please everybody.
Since it is impossible to do so, I decided to cut down and to dispose myself for the upcoming operation.
It was my blooming left foot now.
The operation went well, and hopefully I will be able to walk agin in a couple of weeks.
Till then I will have a lot of time to read, to paint and (thanks to my new Notebook) to visit your blogs.
I hope in January I will stand on my feet again and I will feel better and happier then.
Now I will use the time to show you things I have seen and I have made.
But first of all, I want to thank you for the dear and cheering notes you wrote to me. They really made me glad.

In September my Albert and me, made a journey to the north of Germany. To the state of Schleswig- Holstein, to be precise. We relaxed in the heavenly peace of the Plöner- lake but also saw a lot like the old town of Lübeck, its harbour Travemünde, Baltic. sea island Fehmarn and the old viking marketplace Haitabu.
Here are a few pictures for you.
I hope you enjoy them
All the best
 Das Standesamt von Malente
The register office of Malente

Möwen am Plöner See
Doves at the Plöner lake

Das Schloß von Eutin...
The manor house in Eutin

.....der Innenhof mit Burgcafé
...the courtyard with a café

Der historische Wikingermarkt Haitabu...
The historical viking- marketplace Haitabu..... an seinem ursprünglichen Ort  bei Schleswig rekonstruiert worden....
......has been rebuild in the german town Schleswig, where it has been original....

 ...inklusive historischer Nutztierrassen.
..including historical kind of cattle.

Das Holstentor in Lübeck
The Holsten- gate in Lübeck

 Die Stadt von oben
The town from above

 Die Trave fließt durch Lübeck ...
The river Trave flows through Lübeck....

 ....und mündet in Travemünde in die Ostsee.
and leds in Travemünde in the Baltic-sea.

 Junge russische Seeleute beim Landgang.
Young russian sailors on their shore- leave.

 Auf der Ostseeinsel Fehmarn...
On the baltic-sea-island Fehmarn...
 ...steht seit dem Mittelalter eine kleine Aussätzigenkapelle. still a medieval leper- chappel.

 Auf den unvergleichlich schönen Sandstränden findet man Schätze....
On the most beautiful shores you can find treasures.. der Form von Bernstein. these amber.

  weites, stilles Land
wide, silent land

 Der Plöner See ist nur einer von vielen Seen in Schleswig- Holstein
The lake Plön is just one of many lakes in the state of Schleswig- Holstein.

 Das Flüßchen Schwentine verbindet die Seen miteinander.
The stream Schwentine connects some lakes.

Gut Rothensande alias Gut Immenhof
The estate Rothensande is known for the "Immenhof- Films" witch are as populare in  Germany as "Lassie"  in the US.
magische Riesenpilze
magical giant mushrooms

 ein Plätzchen im Paradies
a place in paradise

 Nachbau eines mittelalterlichen Wehrturms, einer sogenannten Motte.
Reconstruction of a medieval defence tower.

Scheue Besucher in der Dämmerung.
Shy visitors in the sunset.

18 Kommentare:

  1. Ohhhh, Janine! It's soooo good to hear from you and know that you're doing OK! I had no idea that you had a major operation on your foot, and hope that you're healing well.

    Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!! You might even say they're "picture perfect"!!! What beautiful countryside!!!

    Feel better soon! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. So good to see you back again! Sorry about your foot though. Hope that gets better soon. XO

  3. Hallo Janine,
    wie schön wieder von dir zu lesen. Ich freue mich dass du wieder da bist und wünsche dir Gute Besserung.
    Deine Fotos gefallen und und die Reise hat dich Hoffeindlich einwenig aus deinem seelischen Tief herausgeholt.
    Warst du auch in der Zwischenzeit kreativ tätig? Ich bin ja so gespannt.
    Danke auch für den lieben Kommentar in meinem Blog

    Ganz liebe Grüße

  4. I've missed you Janine! I'm so happy you're back. I didn't know your poor foot wasn't feeling well, and I hope it's better real soon....The photos of your trip are so beautiful, and I love the beautiful picture of you too, sweet friend. xo's Paulette

  5. Janine! SO good to see you posting again. I hope you get well of your foot with no problems my friend!
    The pictures are beautiful, what a nice place it is.
    Also I have to say, you look so pretty in your picture, nice to see you!
    Martha (Ayala Art)

  6. Janine, you poor thing! I haven't been blogging much at all and didn't realize all this pain and suffering you were going through. Glad to hear you are doing well. Thank you so much for these beautiful photos. Germany is an enchanting country. You live in a land of magic. Take care and get well soon! Hugs, Lisa

  7. Yippppppppy!!!! It is soooooo good to hear from you lovely lady I have missed you so much, but I know what you mean when you say you need a break. I am thinking of taking one myself. I have so much going on. Thanks for the belated Birthday wishes. I can feel the love he he he he he! I LOVE all these pictures you have posted. How wonderful. I can't wait to travel. These are magnificent and makes me want to pack up a bag and hit the road for sure. Hope that all is well with you. The blog looks wonderful. I am so glad that you reached out. Thanks so much for coming by. I send you lots of well wishes and hugs from NJ.
    Take care and keep in touch. I miss you he he he he!!

  8. It was so wonderful to hear from you today, Janine! Thank you. I certainly hope you will be back to good health soon and that your surgery proves very successful. Glad to see you got away...the German photographs are wonderful! Such beautiful scenes and you now have your own special backgrounds to work with. Lucky you. I don't find a lot of time to make as many comments as I would love to since I have so much artwork to complete each day but I am pleased when someone such as you make a lovely comment. Keep me posted on how your health progresses. ttys. Hugs, Gayle.

  9. So lovely to hear from you! Glad you are back!
    Have a wonderful day!

  10. Hi Janine! Welcome back my creative friend! Love your new blog look! Glad you had a great trip. Wishing you a speedy recovery! :)

  11. oh so wonderful to hear from you Janine!!! and I am happy that everything is going well for's to a quick recovery...and many more wonderful posts!!!! Welcome Back!!!!

  12. time does fly, doesn't it!
    what a beautiful place to visit! thanks for sharing your lovely pictures.
    i hope your foot will be good as new at the soonest possible time.

  13. Hello, hello, hello, Janine! Oh, I was so happy to see you back! I'm very sorry to hear about your foot. I had no idea! I'm glad to hear the operation went well, and hopefully you are not in too much pain.

    Gorgeous photographs! I am always envious of all the beautiful old world architecture in Europe. Looks like you had quite a relaxing and memorable time there.

    And Yay! You will be creating art again soon! Very happy to hear that.

    Be well, and take care!

  14. It's nice to see you back again! I had no idea had an operation and I'm happy to hear it went well! I love all the photos from your trip- seems like a really nice place!

  15. Dear Janine, I am glad your foot is healing and that you are on the mend! It'll be so much fun connecting again - you've been missed in blogland!! Love, Silke

    P.S. Those photos are amazing and I'm already planning a visit to that part of Germany next time I visit my family...

  16. Haaaaallo Janine schön das du wieder da bist!!! Ich war auch lange abhanden - keine Kraft...- sehr schöne Fotos und; zum Glück ist alles ok mit deinem Fuß. Sorry wegen email, bekommst du aber noch, da dann alles ausführlich.
    Siehst auf dem Foto wirklich ausgeruht und irgendwie total zufrieden und glücklich aus.
    Ganz liebe herzliche grüße

  17. I'm sorry I've been away so long. I love the new look of your blog! What beautiful photos. I hope to visit Germany someday!

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