Samstag, 12. Februar 2011

Love and Peace

Hallo ihr Lieben,
Dieses Wochenende wird etwas besonderes für eine Land sein,
dass zu besuchen ich letztes Jahr die Freude hatte.
Ich finde es wunderbar, dass das ägyptische Volk seinen Diktator auf so friedliche Weise losgeworden ist.
Das erinnert mich an den Zusammenbruch der DDR und an die Menschen auf der Straße die riefen, wir sind das Volk. Wenn Menschen sich zusammenschließen können sie eine Menge bewirken.
Als ich in Ägypten war, sah ich überall Plakate wie dieses auf welchen sich Mubarak als Pharao und Vater des Volkes feiern ließ. Das ist nun vorbei und hoffentlich hat Ägypten nun eine Chance auf Demokratie.
Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes Wochenende einen glücklichen Valentinstag und Friede, wo immer ihr auch sein mögt.

Hello my friends,
This weekend will be very special for a country
wich I had the pleasure to visit last year.
I think it is wonderful that the egyptian people
get rid of their dictator in that peaceful way.
This reminds me of the  decline of the German Democratic Republic in 1989, when thousends of people had been on the streets shouting "We are the people".
When people stand together they can reach so much.
When I have been in Egypt I saw huge posters like this with Mubarak on them, who celebrated him as Pharao and father of the people.
This is over now, and I hope Egypt will have a chance for democraty.
I wish all of you a happy weekend, a beautiful Valentine and peace where ever you are.

16 Kommentare:

  1. another beautiful painting!

    i hope the Egyptian people will have bright future!

  2. A happy weekend, Valentines and peace for you too!

  3. You have a great Valentine's Day as well Janine. I love your painting.

  4. A beautiful painting to commemorate a beautiful new beginning.
    Schoenes Wochenende, liebe Janine!

  5. What a lovely painting and reminder about all the promise in Egypt.

  6. I pray that Egypt will find peace and's the oldest civilization in the world...time to take back that wonderful legacy and carry it into the future.

    Have a wonderful week and about your Spring-like weather, hmm, sounds like you're getting a bit of West Texas weather over there. LOL


  7. Watching the events unfold in Egypt was fascinating, Janine. I remember watching "The Wall" come down and cried for happiness because I remembered seeing it being built when I was a small child. Happy, Happy Valentine's Day to you!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. I think people who have not lived abroad don't know how important the events in Egypt are. Germany is dear to my heart from living there a short while, Egypt was always my land of dreams.
    May we all have warm hearts and happy Valentines for time to come.


  9. What a lovely post Janine! Have a very Happy Valentine's Day.x

  10. Such a beautiful heart-touching post Janine!
    HUgs!! Wonderful and beautiful art!
    Happy Valentine!

  11. Eine wunderschöne Zeichnung. Ich habe gerade mal wegen des Banners geguckt und kann es bei Justsomethingimade auch nicht mehr entdecken. :( Einen html code habe ich leider nicht, im Dashboard ist nur das Foto und die Option das Bild zu löschen.
    Ich hatte sogar schon überlegt, das Bild zu löschen, weil es den Blogaufbau etwas verlangsamt.... nun muss ich noch mal drüber nachdenken ;)
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche und einen schönen Tag.

  12. Hi Janine, isn't it super news about Egypt standing up for themselves. Just shows what people can do when they've had enough. Make the rest of the world stand on their toes a little more.
    Love your art, very loving! Great weekend with everything in the mix.
    Loads of love!

  13. Love and peace - wonderful sentiments. I love your original painting and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the hope for democracy in the world. Great work.

  14. Here's to a new beginning for the people of Egypt. Your lovely painting says it all! And we should never forget that love can conquer more that hate.

  15. Happy Valentine's Day Janine! Love the message in this painting :)

  16. Absolutely, Love and Peace! I love the colors and her pose. She must be thinking of someone very special.

    Watching the wave of change spread from Tunisia to Egypt and now Libya and other places in that! I do hope this brings them a better life and democracy.
