Samstag, 29. Januar 2011

IF <> surrender /aufgeben

Butch hatte ein schönes Hubdeleben, ein weiches Hundebett, volle Fressnäpfe und die ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit seines Herrchens und dann kam Caruso und stellte sein Leben auf den Kopf. Butch wollte ihn verjagen, er knurrte und versuchte ihm zu drohen und war eifersüchtig darauf bedacht die Nummer eins bei seinem Herrchen zu bleiben. Er hatte aber nicht damit gerechnet, dass Caruso ihn lieb haben würde und deshalb blieb inichts anderes übrig als zu kapitulieren und Caruso in sein Herz zu lassen und in sein Leben.
Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende
Butch had a great dog- life, a cosy dog- bed, full feeding- bowls and the undivided attention of his master and then came caruso and turned his life upside down. Butch wanted to banish him, he groweled and tried to thread Caruso. He was jelously anxious, that he was still his masters number one. But he didn´t reckon that Caruso would love him and hence he had no other choice than to surrender and to let him in his heart and life.
I wish you a great weekend

20 Kommentare:

  1. Du solltest vielleicht Kinderbuecher schreiben und illustrieren. Ich kann mir schon ein Buch von Butch und Caruso vorstellen.
    Wuensche dir auch ein schoenes Wochenende

  2. How cute! Sometimes it just takes a little while for love to grow, but I guess Caruso was a smitten kitten from the beginning!


  3. I love Butch and Caruso...!

  4. I think Butch is very lovable. No wonder Caruso likes him. Have a great weekend.

  5. Oh Janine, I love it. Reminds me of my lovely, Charro, and my courageous, Senor Tomas. We got Charro, a Belgian Shepard, before she was fully weened, so she cried a lot at night because she missed her mother and puppy siblings, so one night, Tomas, our blond Tabby, went into her little bed and cuddled up next to her...they were inseparable till the day Tomas passed away 8 years later...she lasted a few more years, but I'd like to think the two of them will be at the gates of Heaven waiting for there's a mental picture!! LOL

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  6. What a sweet story and a beautiful illustration, Janine! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  7. Hi Janine, Yes, I did get the package last week and I sent you a message on FB. Did you not get it? After my OWOH post tomorrow, I'll do a post on a few giveaways I've one, including your beautiful fan!!! Thank you!!! Love, Silke

  8. I totally forgot to say - great painting! Made me smile and reminded me of our two creatures!!! Hope you are doing well!! Love, Silke

  9. I definitely surrender to my cat Hana. She's da boss!

  10. Hi Janine. About the OWOH, remember you are ahead of us in time so I think it was fine that you posted. I was referring to PST time, but you are head of us dear girl. I wouldn't worry about it. Have a great week.

  11. I like your IF creation :o) I messed up in my time for the owoh, so please come back tomorrow

  12. Hallo Janine,

    danke, daß Du bei meinem Blog vorbeigeschaut hast. Ich kommentiere nicht bei Deinem OWOH Beitrag, weil ich diesen typisch deutschen Preis anderen Leute gönne. :)

    Ich hätte Dir per E-Mail geschrieben, aber die ist leider nicht angegeben und ich habe sie auch auf dieser Seite nicht gefunden.

    Also einen Gruß auf diese Weise!

    -- Birgit

  13. Thank you so much for stopping by Jaine I love your art work and brightly colored blog!

    Happy Creating from Modesto, California


  14. Awwwwwwwwww! Ohhhhh, that is so sweeeeeeet! Oh yes, you must always surrender to love.

  15. Eine schöne Geschichte zu deinem Bild, beides gefällt mir sehr.

  16. Very cool - of course it brings to mind Marc Antony and Pussyfoot! :D

  17. A wonderful, charming story and painting! I hope Caruso is just hugging here and doesn't have her claws dug in.. Thank You!

  18. Oh my goodness, how adorable! Caruso looks so loving and Butch as if he's just given up. perfect :D
