Ich habe ein wunderbares Buch mit dem Titel: "Frauen die lesen sind gefährlich".
Es enthält phantastische Bilder von lesenden Frauen, die von so großartigen Künstlern wie Rembrandt, Boucher, Fragonard, Manet, Alma- Tadema, Bourne- Jones, Hopper und vielen Anderen gemalt wurden. Nach der Lektüre dieses Schatzes habe ich dies kleine Bild mit dem Titel "Der Buchladen" gemalt.
Es ist eine Hommage an die kluge Frau und an die Männer, die das würdigten.
Vielleicht mögt ihr euch mit einem guten Buch entspannen.
Manchmal ist das alles was man braucht.
Hallo my friends,
I have a wonderful book with the titel: "Women who read are dangerous"
It contains phantastic paintings of reading women, wich were painted by so amazing artists like
Rembrand, Boucher, Fragonard, Manet, Alma- Tadema, Bourne- Jones, Hopper and many more. After the reading of this treasure I made this little painting with the titel "The Bookshop".
It is an homage to the sagacious woman and the men who appriciated that.
Maybe you like to relax with a good book.
Sometimes this is all you need.
Janine..wonderful painting..she is just dwelling on the pleasure she will get from all that reading! Reading is just about my favorite thing to do..I'm glad I don't have to dress up and wear a hat to do it though!
AntwortenLöschenDear Doris,
AntwortenLöschenreading is my favourite too,
but usually I read in the bed.So I agree with you.
But even if I suppose a cartwheel- hat like that is not so comfortable to wear, i think it looks gorgeouse.
AntwortenLöschenI agree, there's nothing more relaxing than sitting down and cuddling up with a good book, and in my case, I'm also cuddled by 2 very funny little Chihuahuas!!!
I love this! She's beautiful. I love to read, so I think this is perfect.
Dear Georgina, yes I multiplies happieness, when you where companied while reading a book.
AntwortenLöschenYou, by your Chihuhahuas, I by my cats.
Dear Cathy,
thank yue for that sweet comment.
It brightens my day.
Oh, Janine! Absolutely enchanting paintings you've done recently! I love all your colors, and the women look so serene. I love a good book -- the cheapest and easiest way to go off on a vacation or wild adventure.
AntwortenLöschenYou look fabulous in your Oktoberfest photo! Wow!
Dear Bella,
AntwortenLöschenthank you so much for your friendly words.
Wow, that feels good ;0)
I love to read too. There is nothing like being curled up to a good book!
AntwortenLöschenNothing I like better than a good book and a cup of tea! Your homage is wonderful, Janine!
AntwortenLöschenI just love this piece! And I can think of no better way to spend time than curling up with a good book!
AntwortenLöschenAnd bookstores - I LOVE them! I can (and often do!) spend hours browsing and also spend far too much money, haha....
~ Carolee