Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009

Illustration Friday- "Germs" or "Who drinks A must drink B"

Hallo meine Lieben,
hier ist mein Bild zum "Illustration Friday" Thema Bakterien.
Die kleine Vampirella sucht schon eifrig eine Location für die Halloweenparty. Sie hat sich zur "Happy hour" in der Blutbank eingefunden und stellt fest. "Wer A trinkt muss auch B trinken".
Die Drinks findet sie ganz hervorragend aber sie findet das Ambiente doch ein wenig steril.
Wie auch immer, als Untote muss sie zumindest keine Angst vor Bakterien und Keimen haben.
Lasst euch nicht beißen
Hello my friends,
here is my contribution to the "Illustration Friday" topic "Germs".
Little Vampirella is looking busily for a location for the halloween-party. She appears to the happy-hour in the blood bank and realised: "Who drinks A must drink B".
The drinks are absolutly fabulous but the ambiance might be a little to aseptic.
However, as undead at least she hasn´t to fear germs.
Take care for your throat.

9 Kommentare:

  1. I love it! It's really cute. Großartig!
    Thanks for english translation as well! Danke

  2. Klasse, ich mag deine Bilder, gefallen mir alle sehr gut. Wirst eines Tages bestimmt berühmt du fleissiges Lischen.
    Schönen Abend oder besser wünsche eine gute Nacht

  3. hahahaha...what a cool piece!!! I love this Janine!!! you are so clever....


  4. Thans so much for your visit to my blog !!
    I'm very pleased to visit your blog too it is so cool, I love your draws.


  5. Cool Janine, happy hour is world wide then, he, he!
    Cool it reminded me of Blade a film my daughter loved watching at nine years old. Mmm! I was a little worried and didn't want for her to watch, everyone else seem to think it would be ok. I am always concerned of how tv affects us. She was fine and as grown up very level headed. I think Blade is a far as it goes. There are some films I won't watch. From drink to films, Mmmmm!

  6. He he he he! This is too funny. I use to draw patients blood and this reminds me of how they must have felt about me he he he! Oh this is really hilarious! Great work again my wonderful friend. You've done it again!

  7. Janine I have an award for you on my blog.
