Vanessa und
an die ich den Preis weitergeben möchte.
Diese drei Frauen sind die warmherzigsten und freundlichsten Menschen die ich hier getroffen habe und ich freue mich sie zu kennen.
Alles Liebe
Hello my friends
I got this award from lovely Julie-ann. This award is not about art and creativity but about friendship.
It is written on it: "Friendship isn´t about who you have known the longest, but who came and never left your side". This are big words and I am deeply touched, that Julie-ann passed this award to me.
I met so many interesting people here, but Blogland is big and so the contact is mostly sporadically. It is different with three women. First of all Julie- ann who gave me this award and then
Vanessa and
to whom I want to pass ´the award, allthough I am quiet sure they got it allready from the first hand.
They are the most warm-hearted and friendly people I met here and I am glad to know them.
Yours Janine
Janine, how wonderful to receive this award three times. Just goes to show how loved you are here.
AntwortenLöschenThank you so much for your lovely message. So pleased you don't mind and such a reasurance was heart warming.
Thank you also for understanding me totally. You are such a good friend.
A huge HUG!
No, no my dear friend, I just got it from you and I want to pass it to the other two ladys. I suppose it is my bad english that leads to this misunderstanding but you were right: I feel loved, for this is a wonderful community with lots of caring people.
AntwortenLöschenHello Janine! Congrats on your award! You deserve it. Thanks so much for your sweet comment about my submission! I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful weekend too!
Lisa :)
OH my goodness! Thank you my dear friend. You are so sweet to give me this award. I accept it with a full heart. thanks so much for your kindness. I send you many hugs and well wishes. I'm working right now and will not be able to post it just yet, but I promise I will when I get back. Sending you lots of hugs today! Thanks
Hi Janine, Question, totally valid. I didn't know the scientology religion was flashing up on the ads. This is confusing to visitors.
AntwortenLöschenI believe in God and the holy trinity, I too do not go to church as I know what your saying is right. Last time I went on a christian holiday the priest kept stopping for the collections. Three collections in one meeting. I felt like going on stage and shouting give God the glory and praise time and knocking over the collection buckets. I was utterly discusted and this is one of the main resson for stop going to the church. Not one meeting did they not break up the praise for money collection.
Six years prior I went to Grapevine christian holiday and the praise to God was so long and wonderful I was given a vision. The vision was Jesus coming down some steps as we were applauding him of the good job finished. You could feel the same appraisal coming from his heart to us, so it was returned. I was laughing in the spirit and streams of tears of joy. There was not time for Jesus in the last Christian camp. They had forgotten him for money. This broke my heart.
I totally feel that most religions are praising the same God and do not have a problem as I think Christianity can be harrogant, like they only are the ones that have got it right, when we are all sharing the same love and the same God.
I do miss church a lot but do not wish for my life to be manipulated by them.
God lives within us and He is here with us and loving us.
Janine, thank you so much for sharing your heart about your religion and up bringing.
That is what I love about you so much, you are so strong hearted and really care about people.
I know you are a special.
How sweet Janine....much love to you here from Canada. You are truly a wonderful person!
Oh, Janine! Thank you so much! You are such a wonderful friend and VERY talented artist. You deserve this award, most definitely. I am doubly honored.