Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

Ernte / Harvesting

Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich habe in letzter Zeit nicht viel gemalt, aber  ich genieße die Natur und alle ihr Schätze.
Diesen wunderschönen Blumenstrauß habe ich unweit meiner Haustüre gepflückt.
Hello my friends,
I didn´t do much paintings recently, but I enjoy nature and all its treasures
I picked this lovely flowers nearby my house.

Ich mag den Duft von Kamille, er ist für mich untrennbar mit dem Sommer verbunden.
I love the scent of camomile, he is unseperable associated with summer.

Die getrocknete Kamillenblüten sollten in keiner Hausapotheke fehlen.
Ich glaube ich muss noch ein wenig mehr ernten, wenn es bis zum nächsten Sommer reichen soll.
The dried blossoms of camomile should not be missed in any medicine chest.
I guess I must do some more harvesting, when the blossoms should last until next summer.

Lavendel, Rosen und Weinlaub sind aus meinem Garten.
Lavender, roses and the grape- leaves are out of my garden.

Die Weizenfelder sind so schön....

Ein bißchen von der Sommerpracht habe ich mir nach Hause geholt.
Damit der Sommer lang währt.
Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende.
A bit of that summer splendor I took home,
for the summer shall last for a long time.
I wish you a great weekend

Yours Janine

17 Kommentare:

  1. How lovely, Janine! I love your display of flowers...that is an artistic venture in its self. When I lived in Germany many years ago, there was a farm across the street from our apartment and I used to take my then only son for walks around the pathways. There was also a flower farm a bit beyond that where I used to take my basket to buy flowers at their nursery for my window boxes...what memories...I'll cherish them for ever!!

    Have a wonderful week, my friend.


  2. Schoene Bilder von schoenen Blumen...ich liebe auch Kamille, aber das waechst hier nicht...viel zu heiss momentan fuer delikate Blumen. Aber es ist schoen sie zu sehen.

    Ich wuensche auch Dir ein wunderbares Wochenende.

    Alles Gute von
    Doris und Gizzy ;-)

  3. Love the photos, they look as yummy as the magazine ones! Glad your enjoying the summer thank you for sharing, like heaven seeing all the cream and flowers!

  4. Lovely flowers that we all love because of their beauty and scent. Very nice Janine. Have a great weekend.

  5. What a beautiful harvest, Janine! Oh, I can almost smell the scents of the camomile and lavender!!! You pictures and bouquet are lovely. Enjoy the summer days!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Wunderschöne Fotos, die den Sommer bannen. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche.

  7. Beautiful photos...I enjoy lavender!

  8. How did you know I love flowers??? This is beautiful. I love them all. I love the first one even more. Beautiful. Sending you much happiness and joy today and everyday. Wishing you sunshine and flowers. Best,

  9. Wow..Janine...what a super beautiful post..gorgeous photos and such magic! me too..i keep me chamomile blossoms too..they are very healing and magical! Love all of your blooms and such a wonderful post! Thansk for sharing your magic!

  10. Obwohl es in der letzten Zeit viel geregnet hat, hast Du den Sommer doch gefunden und Dir wunderschöne Sträusse gebunden.

    Herzliche Grüsse Melontha

  11. Hope your having an amazing summer!

  12. What a nice post! You reminded me of my grandma's and my mom's kitchen, where they always had chamomile in branches and flowers.... I don't have it!

  13. Hi Janine,

    I'm LOVING your blog...your photography is wonderful! I'll certainly check back for your next postings...thanks for sharing!


  14. Your flowers are gorgeous! Hope you are having a lovely summer :)

  15. Very pretty Janine. Sorry I haven't messaged you in ages, but I haven't had the chance to Blog all summer! Hope you are doing well and still creating! xoxo Charmaine

  16. Janine, wie wunderschoen!! I hope that you are still enjoying mother nature and a late summer!! Hugs, Silke

  17. Hi Janine! I loved this post..nice to revisit it again! Just stopping in to say Hi and hope all is well and bright!
