Abwarten und Tee trinken ist mein Motto für die nächsten Wochen.
So fiel es mir leicht eine Verwendung für die Kiste zu finden.
Es wird eine Teekiste. Inspiration finde ich bei vielen von euch Bloggern.
Unter anderem bei Carolee , die wunderbare Bilder auf Holzgegenstände malt, unter anderem hat sie ein paar tolle Teekisten gemacht.
Schaut euch das mal an.
Alles Gute und bis bald
Eure Janine
Hello my friends,
In Germany we have a saying "Wait and drink tea". So this is going to be my Motto for the next weeks and therefore it was easy to find a usage for the box.
It is going to be a teabox.
I found inspiration by many of you bloggers. I want to mention Carolee, who makes wonderful paintings on wooden objects like teaboxes.
You have to have a look at her artwork.
Enjoy your day,
What a lovely tea box! And thanks very much for the kind words about my work. :)
AntwortenLöschen~ Carolee
hello Janine! I just love your teabox. Very lovely. I'm sorry that
AntwortenLöschenyou are unable to move around much but at least it gives you the opportunity to paint more : )
I fully intended to post that I had won your giveaway with a link to your site. Sorry that I forgot. I was in such a hurry last night when I posted. I will definitely do that!
You site is so wonderful I want others to see it!
hugs & get well soon!