nachdem ich letztlich mit einem Burgfräulein aufgewartet habe, wird es nun royal.
Ich muss gestehen ich habe, wie so viele Frauen, eine Schwäche für SISI.
Sowohl für die alten, wunderbar kitschigen Filme, als auch für die reale Person Elisabeth, die eine wirklich interessante und höchst skurrile Frau war.
Ich hatte das Glück schon einige Male in Wien sein zu können, und dort die kaiserlichen Schlösser mit ihren prächtigen Bildern zu sehen.
Es gibt ein Bild des Malers Winterhalter, das Sisi mit der charakteristischen Zopffrisur und den Diamantsternen im Haar zeigt.
Von diesem Bild habe ich mich inspirieren lassen. Allerdings habe ich sie nicht mit royalem Gepränge gemalt, denn sie hielt, obschon sie die Kaiserin war, nicht viel von Monarchie.
Am liebsten waren ihr die Tiere.
Und so hab ich ihr einen kleinen Hund zur Seite gestellt, den sie lieb haben kann.
Sucht euch alle was zum lieb haben
Hi everybody
After I had shown up with a damsel of the castle the last time, now it becomes royal.
I confess, I have a soft spot for SISI. She was a Princess in Bavaria and then after the became the Empress of Austria and the Queen of Hungary.
I do love the old classic, cheesy, austrian "Sissi"- Films. But also I am very interested in the historical person of Elisbeth, who was a romantic, tragical and bizarre person.
I was lucky to be several times in vienna. I visited the royal palaces and saw all this beautiful paintings there.
There is one of the artist Winterhalter, who made a painting of Sisi with her characteristical braid- hairdo and the diamond-stars in her hair.
This painting was my inspiration, but I painted Sisi without royal ostentation.
Allthough she was an Empress, she didn´t like royality very much.
What she loves the most, were animals.
And so I gave her a littele dog, givin her some love.
Find yourselfe somebody to love
HI Janine,
AntwortenLöschenThanks for the comments and well wishes. I do hope the doctor discovers the cause of your dizziness. It's a horrible thing to have.
You have been busy in spite of your dizziness! I love Sissi. You did a beautiful job with her. BUT I REALLY love the Damsel of the Castle. She's gorgeous and the texture of her dress is marvelous! Great job.
Hope you feel better soon.
Hugs to you,
Janine, I just read Cathy's comment that you were unwell with dizzyness. Very strange because I too, recently suffered with that. It turned out to be an inner ear infection and was cured by taking motion sickness medicine. Hope you get yours fixed soon.. Love your Sissi and the darling puppy!
AntwortenLöschenThank you Doris for your good wishes.