Sonntag, 7. März 2010

Hildegard von Bingen and the winner

Hallo meine Lieben,
heute präsentiere ich euch den Gewinner meines Giveaways und mein neues Bild, dass die hochinteressante heilige Hildegard von Bingen darstellt. Sie war eine der herausragensten Frauen des Mittelalters.
Ihre Weke über Musik, Medizin, Biologie und Botanik haben heute noch Bedeutung.
Das Bild wurde übrigens zum Teil mit den Gleichen Filzstiften gemalt, die in meiner Holzdose sind, die zu gewinnen war! Ausserdem verwendete ich Aquarellstifte. Der Text ist von Hildegard und beschreibt den März.
Nun aber zum glücklichen Gewinner.
Alle Namen sind aufgeschrieben ( Mann waren das viele), das Ganze von meiner Stella überwacht und gezogen wurde
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und viel Spaß damit.
Falls ihr kein Glück hatten probiert es hier mal.
Peggyapl hat ein schönes ATC als Giveaway,
und Paulette hat gleich drei tolle Geschenke
Euch allen vielen Dank fürs mitmachen und einen schönen Sonntag
Hello my friends,
today I present you the winner of my giveaway and my latest painting of the very interesting St. Hildegard of Bingen. She was one of the most outstanding women in the middle ages. Her work about musik, medicin, biology and botanic have still meaning.
This painting was partly made with the same feltpens that are in the wooden box! I used aquarell- pens to. The text is from Hildegard about march.
But now, lets come to the lucky winner. I wrote all names down (oy oh boy, that were a lot), put them in a glas, all garded by my Stella, and I picked out the name of
Congratulations my dear, have a lot of fun with it.
If you like to try your luck again, go and visit Peggyapl, she a´has a lovely ATC as giveaway,
or the great Paulette, she has three times Goodies for you
Thank you to all of you for joining the contest, have a great sunday

16 Kommentare:

  1. St. Hildigard is beautiful, Janine. I can't believe that you've created her with felt pens! You're so talented! Congratulations to Ayala! Lucky girl!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. She's always been one of my heroes...what a gal!!!


  3. I found your blog through Terri - just following some links - and WOW, your art is wonderful!!! I'll be back for more soon, tschuss (if that's how you write it?)

  4. Hildegard! Wonderful choice. She is one of the most talented ladies that has ever been. One of the first feminists too!

    Believe it or not.

  5. Congratulations to the winner! This gift is fabulous. I am so jealous! Lol!

  6. Janine, my comp is on the blink again.
    Hoping you get my messages?


  7. HI Janine!!! what a wonderful new painting!!! I love it...and a tribute to our Saints is so perfect....

    Congrats to the lucky winner too!!!! they will be so thrilled!!!


  8. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  9. Congrats to the wonderful WINNER!! What a great present to win too. I know that they are going to be totally blown away when they get your fabulous work. Thanks so much for stopping by. I love when you do. Have a great week you talented woman you!! You're the best!!

  10. hi! the painting is really beautiful!!!

  11. This is very interesting! Congrats to the very lucky winner!

  12. Yay Ayala! You are one lucky girl!!!...You are so cute Janine, thanks so much for the shout out!...I love your new painting. Hildegard is beautiful! xoxo's Paulette ;)

  13. congratulations, Ayala! and thank you, Janine for adding a link for my giveaway! i like your new painting!

  14. Nice! Hildegard was a fascinating woman — artist, writer, musician, botanist, healer. It's great that you've reminded me of her!

  15. Aw, darn. I missed a giveaway. Congratulations, Ayala! Beautiful painting!
