Samstag, 16. Januar 2010

IF - Wilderness / Flora

Hallo ihr Lieben,
das ist mein dieswöchiger Beitrag zu Illustration Friday "Wilderness". Zugegeben, ich hab seit diesem
Montag an dem Bild gemalt, aber das Thema passt ganz gut zu meiner "Flora", der Göttin der Blumen
und der Wildniss. Inspiriert zu ihrem Haarschmuck wurde ich von einer javanesischen Holzbüste und
wie ich im Nachhinein feststellte, von Julies Engeln. Der Blumenschmuck sieht tatsächlich ein wenig aus wie ein Heiligenschein.                                                                                     Ich hoffe Julie nimmt mir das nicht übel. Ich bewundere ihre Kunst sehr und sie inspiriert mich immer wieder. Falls ihr nicht wisst warum, dann seht euch ihren Blog an, dann werdet ihr schon verstehen.    Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes Wochenende.
Eure Janine
Hello my friends,
here you can see my entry for this weeks IF- challenge "wilderness".To be honest, I started allready on monday with this painting, but I think Flora, the Godess of flowers and the wilderness  fits wonderful to the subject. Inspired to do the hair decoration I was by a wooden javanese bust, and as I recogniced, when I saw it finished, by Julies angels. Her hairdo looks almost like a halo of Julies heavenleigh creatures. Dear Julie, I hope you don´t mind.You inspire me with every painting. I suppose it became a part of my subconcious (he he).
If you guys don´t know, why I admire Julies artwork so much, you have to visit her blog, then you´ll understand.
I wish all of you a happy weekend
Yours Janine

27 Kommentare:

  1. She is wonderful, Janine! I LOVE her hair! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. She is so beautiful, Janine, and perfect for the wilderness theme!! And I can understand your inspiration by Julie!! Wonderful!!! Hugs, Silke

  3. Ach... richtig schön deine Flora. Ich kann mir vorstellen, wie sie auf einer Wiese sitzt, zwischen all ihren Blumen.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. A fabulously rich illustration.

  5. Very strong and beautiful! Thanks for all your wonderful comments! Much appreciated.

  6. Oh, this is gorgeous! Beautiful colors!

    Laura Beth

  7. Lots of great the hair and the roses!

  8. Love the wilderness theme as well. This is soooooooooo beautiful! Love the red it just makes the whole thing pop! Very beautifully done!

  9. Oh She is gorgeous! Love everything about it..
    Hugs, Darlene xo

  10. She's beautiful, love her flowers and birds!

  11. Janine, you're painting is so beautiful. This goddess of flowers, wow! I don't mind at all, never thought anything of it and saw the flower goddess totally. I get my inspiration from other artists. The flower halo idea came from Tascha's roses art. The hair on the latest painting and orange Frida, came from Kelly Rae Roberts hair.

    Loads of love and hugs!


  12. Beautiful, Janine! She is absoultely gorgeous. We could all use a little Spring right now. Have a wonderful week!

  13. I just love your style Janine! You manage to mix gorgeous, ethereal and fun! Your are really an amazingly talented artist:)

  14. Liebe Janine, ich danke Ihnen für Ihre freundlichen Kommentare in meinem Blog. I love your art ... very nice ... und Ihr Blog. Ich freue mich auf Besuch bei Ihnen in der Zukunft.

  15. Janine, it it beautiful!
    And I like your blogs look too, very pretty!

  16. Ach Janine, Ich glaub das gefaellet mir vielleicht noch besser als Portrait of a Lady. Du hast wirklich Talent. Vielleicht kann man fuer 2011 Kalender bestellen?

  17. I know Grannie thinks she can speak German.. well so can I! lol
    Love this art soo much..
    Hugs, DArlene
    ps.. Thought I would let you know my rooster is gone now.. lol

  18. Hi Janine!!! holy smokes!!! this is amazing...what a wonderful painting...I love it and the details...perfection!!!

  19. Hi Janine, I dont' mind Kraehen at all! We get those, too. I love birds in our yard!! By the way, you mentioned my studio - it's just a table set up in our guest room. But as soon as I did that, I renamed it "my studio." Whenever we have visitors, it becomes the guest room again... It works for now!! Liebe Gruesse aus dem sonnigen Savannah!! Hugs, Silke

  20. I'm a fan of Flora too. In fact I've done two collages inspired by her beauty and strength. This painting is oncredibly lovely in its rich detail. The serene face, the Bird of Paradise, and the hummingbirds are amazing.

  21. Janine! I love your vivid colors. And in the midst of this beautiful wilderness, she remains calm and peaceful with the face of an angel. Gorgeous painting! (And I would gladly volunteer to give your adorable raccoon some loving!)

    P.S. You're RIGHT! The story DOES sound like Madagascar! Hahaha!

  22. I am in LOVE with this also, i have been searching through you art and just love this. well done!!!!!!!!!!
    Art on sistah!
