Freitag, 30. Januar 2015

The hand of the artist - Die Hand der Künstlerin

Liebe Freunde,
dieses kleine Bild widme ich allen meinen kreativen und malenden Freunden hier in Blogland.
Ich weis ja nicht wie es euch geht, aber meine Hände sehen nach der Arbeit oft
so bunt aus wie meine Bilder, und deswegen dachte ich, das meine Hand es wert ist in diesem Zustand festgehalten zu werden.
Das Bild ist mit Acrylfarben auf Leinwand gemalt.
Ich wünsche euch ein kreatives Wochenende.

Eure Janine

Dear friends
I dedicate this little picture to all my creative and painting friends here in blogland.
I don´t know how you look after painting, but my hands look after work often as colourful as my Pictures. Therefore I thought my hand is worth to be captured in that state.
I made this painting with acrylic paint pn canvas.
I wish all of you a creative Weekend

Yours Janine

7 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful!!! I don't paint, but I'm sure I'd have it all over me if I did. This painting must bring back the feelings of joy that you feel when you create. Love those colors. Have a great weekend!

  2. Awesome hand Janine. Mine have looked that way before. Lately though, I've been using my Ipad to doodle, therefore no paint.:) Good to see your post. Hope all is well.

  3. Wonderful expression and color- love this!

  4. I really love this piece with all the colours!!! well done Janine!!!!

  5. KLASSE :) Das Bild kommt mir doch sehr bekannt vor.... meine Hände sehen ebenfalls immer herrlich bunt aus :D

  6. Hello My Sweet Friend! It's sooo good to see you back and creating wonderful things again! I love your paintings, and yes, our hands DO tend to get as colorful as our projects!!! Sending hugs your way Janine! xoxo

  7. Hi beautiful and magical..gorgeous colors..what a wonderful feeling and energy your art brings to fantastic! So wonderful your hands become full of paint! Thanks for always inspiring me..
