Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Meet my darlings

Wie all Katzenbesitzer glaube ich fest, das nicht bezaubernder ist als meine Lieblinge und deshalb wollte ich euch ein paar schöne Bilder von Rossi und Stella zeigen.
Like all cat-owners I believe, that nothing is more captivating than my darlings, and therefor I want to show you some nice photos of Rossi and Stella.
In diesen Korb sollten die Orangen, aber Stella wollte zuerst einmal nachprüfen, ob der Korb nicht bequem ist.
This basket should be for the oranges, but before Stella wanted to proof if it is comfortable for her.
Kaum draußen beschwert sich Rossi schon über die Kälte.
Rossi is complaining about the cold snow.

Stella liebt ihre Fußbodenheizung
Stella loves her floor-heating.
Drinnen ist es viel gemütlicher
Inside it is much more comfortable

Stella ist gern in der Küche, nahe all dem guten Essen.
Stella loves to be in the kitchen, near to all that good food.
Zeit sich zu entspannen
Time to relax
Immer schön das Fell putzen.
Stella keeps her fur shiny and clean.

So das reicht für heute, wir gehen jetzt schlafen
Eure,Stella, Rossi und Janine
So that is enough for today, we go to sleep.
Yours, Stella, Rossi and Janine

10 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Janine, what beautiful kitties you have. I just love the pictures and thanks so much for sharing them.

  2. Wie schoen sind die Zwei! Also, Fussbodenheizung habe ich auch sehr gern und es ist fuer Katzen besonders geignet. Aber Orangenkoerbe? Das sieht ueberhaupt nicht bequem aus.

  3. Also ehrlich gesagt, die Katzen sind doch gemuetliche Tiere - die wissen genau wie man es sich bequem machen kann...schoene Bilder!

    Alles gute und eine schoene Weihnachtszeit!

  4. Your kitties are adorable! What great pictures you got of them! Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season. I'm jealous of your snow! We haven't had any yet. Hopefully soon... purrs!

  5. They are just adorable, Janine. I love cats, but my little Chihuahuas don't, especially Senor Cacahuate (Mr. Peanut)!! There are a couple of ferrel cats that live around the neighborhood and I know they specifically come over to our wall just to make his life miserable...very funny watching them tease the Senor!! LOL

    Thanks for sharing your adorable "gatos," and have a great weekend, snow and all!! No snow here in West Texas..just blue skies and warm weather....and miserable sinus problems! LOL


  6. How adorable, Janine! There is nothing better than a fur baby!!! Your pictures are wonderful! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  7. Awww, they're so cute! My Scruff and PaulKitty would love to meet them!

  8. Hello Sweet Janine! I hope you are feeling better and better with each new day...Stella and Rossi are so adorable! I really enjoyed your pictures. I'm a cat lover too, and have three myself. I can never give them enough pets and kisses!!! Give your little cuties each a kiss for me! xoxo Paulette

  9. Stella looks just like my cat Bailey last year that died of kidney failure. I sure do miss her. Her sister Callie is a calico and was heartbroken for about a year.
    Merry Christmas!
