Euch allen noch ein schönes Wochenende
it won´t be long till autumn is infront of our doors. I have made a Halloween- painting some times ago. It is painted with watercolours. Jacket and hat of the cat are made of fabric, lace and buttons. The bag is a real one to open, so I can put something sweet in it. I shall not forget this. I don´t know what treat little Kity would have otherwise for me (hehehe).
I wish all of you a beautiful weekend
Ein sußes Halloweenbild hast du da gezaubert.
AntwortenLöschenJa, manchmal kann man den Herbst schon erahnen :-)
Hi Janine! I love your Halloween Kitty!! He's adorable with his real fabric jacket and cute little bag!!! Love the background scene too! Beautiful job! Hugs, :o)
AntwortenLöschenEeeek! Halloween is just around the corner, isn't it! Very cute little kitty!
AntwortenLöschenJanine, your kitty is a super star, she looks so cute! The summer holidays are more than half way, going so fast! Always great to look ahead and celebrate!
AntwortenLöschenHave a great kitty week!
Janine, I love this painting. Both the watercolors and fabric are really detailed! I cant believe summer is almost over and soon we will be celebrating Halloween! Have a great week...Love charmaine
AntwortenLöschenHi Janine, so nice to see your message, Love hearing form you. So cool you're going to have a go with the colours, they are just the softest ever,so dreamy. I used the blue that the mum has in her hair Cerillium blue. I think I spelt Cerillium wrong? A slight thin, thin, thin wash on the top side of her face to bring another colour in so it looked a little like light bouncing the colours around. I love you're art so much Janine and thought I would start using more kitty's inspired by your cat here and the love you have for them.
AntwortenLöschenThe same colours are in her dress also with more yellow ochre.
Have a great creative time and so looking forward to any of your wonderful art creations.
Janine, you Halloween kitty is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad you "brought her back" to show us! Fantastic work! Hugs, Terri xoxo
AntwortenLöschenJanine this is my favorite! I think I may have said that before, but I do love your artwork!
Hallo Janine süßes Bild aber wie gesagt ich finde wirklich alles hübsch hier. Ich mag deine Art zu malen. Runde Keilrahmen? Die bekommst du bei Wicky in der Adalbertstr. und bei NanuNana hin und wieder. Geh zu Wicky (schräg gegenüber vom Kaufhof) die haben auch ovale und dreieckige Keilrahmen auch nicht teuer so um die 3 Euro. Mein Bild vom Elf Elanor ist auf einem runden Keilrahmen gemalt.
AntwortenLöschenWünsche dir eine angenehme nicht all zu heisse Nacht
Lb Grüße Kerstin
I love your kitty. Adorable. I found your blog through Jane Campbell. One of my favorites. I love your works. Very real, cute, whimsical.